Week 16 NFL Results

I'm a little late in the day posting this, but I have a good excuse. I was sitting front row at the Texans game next to the St. Arnold's dude.

Tee Dee yo!

10:41PM update: Bob is the winner of Survivor... and we have a tie in the NFL Pick'em contest again.

10:40PM (Monday) update: *Yawn* great MNF game... not. Speaking of not that great, what the bleep was up with that Kanye West performance(s) on SNL? Flu? Or Suck? Cher called, she believes in life after auto-tone.

10:49AM (Thursday) update: bonus points updated

Thanks to the Cowboys for getting me that point to tie things back up. I love you guys. I also love this Cowboy Chris guy.



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