P-F09: Week 8 NFL Results

updated 10/27/09 1:17PM


Point summaries for Week 8:
Cain dubs for the 6th time in 7 NFL weeks... he is picking an impressive 76% of NFL winners straight up. I feel the need for a jinx.

Weekly Winner(s): AN (13) +3 points
NFL dubs (12+): No one +3 points
Bonus Question: "How many teams lose the '0' in their record this week?" Only Minnesota... JHa, KW, KS, AN, DW, CG, BD, JN, CJ, GF, RH, KZ, JC +2
Paid: DW, KH, CC, KZ, RH, JHa, CJ, CG, A-C, BD, JN, JC +1

Adrian Peterson crushes William Gay and then steps on his face. Check the video below.

Peterson may be a sooner, but he is a man-beast.


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