P-F09: Week 10 Stuff

Wait, it's Wednesday night. Where the bleep are the cards? Where the bleep is the Week 9 wrap-up?!?

NCAA Week 10 Card:
NFL Week 10 Card:

Week 9 NCAA Wrap-up
Sure, some of this is just a formality this late in the week, but before we dive into Week 10, how 'bout some Week 9.

Point summaries for Week 9:
Jess does just enough (8) to not lose the top spot. He's probably ticked I haven't been highlighting his 15 minutes, but his teamname speaks for itself... and I hope they've noticed. Dave's dub and lack of a below average performance since Week 3 has pushed him into a tie for first. On the other end of the spectrum, Gary scored a respectable 9 and is still dead last... 15 points behind the leaders. Ouch... I guess that is what to 4 point and two 6 point weeks can do to you. Reigning champ Cain has been silent, possibly worried that he could lose to Gary this year.

Weekly Winner(s): BD (11) +3 points
NCAA dubs (10+): AN, JHa (2nd straight week), JHo +3 points
Bonus Question: "It is Halloween and you are on the doorstep of the football offices of the NCAA. Choose any trick or treat that you would like for the league or any of its member institutions." Points and blog point pending.
Paid: DW, KH, CC, KZ, RH, JHa, CJ, CG, A-C, BD, JN, JC +1

Week 9 NFL Wrap-up

Point summaries for Week 9:
Amy/Carrie and Kirby are determined to catch Cain in the NFL contest. His lead has slowly diminished over the past few weeks despite fairly strong cards (10, 10, 9... all of 13). His lead currently stands at 3.

Weekly Winner(s): AN (2nd straight week), GN, KH, KS, A-C, JC (10) +3 points
NFL dubs (12+): No one (2nd straight week) +3 points
Bonus Question: "Who will win the World Series and in what game" It was the Yanks in 6... winners (points) AN (+3), GN (+3), GF (+3), JHa (+4), CJ (+4), JC (+3), JHo (+4)
Paid: DW, KH, CC, KZ, RH, JHa, CJ, CG, A-C, BD, JN, JC +1


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