P-F10: Week 4 NCAA Results

(updated 9/29/10 3:25 PM)  

Ugh. Still drinking the day away. But just for the kids, I'm updating today's scores.

I got a text from KW after UCLA spanked Texas' arse on our home field. I was walking from the stadium back to my tailgate. After rubbing it in, he says: "I'm not trying to rub it in, I just know how it feels to lose... a lot." But I don't think Aggies really know how it feels. My people aren't used to sucking. :)

Anyway, maybe my picks were good this week.......... crrraaaaap.

(click link below to see the full scorecard)

No, how *YOU* doin'.

Point summaries for Week 4:
Being the frontrunnering smack talker that I am, I won't bag on a lot of people this week for their performances. I may have noticed that only 4 of the 25 players in our league scored above .500 with their picks. Gary's (GF) 3 kind of stands out, but it's forgivable given Curtis' (CG) 2. Two of Fifteen. But it's cool, because Curtis can just point at the scoreboard, re-count Bama's national championships, and mention their current run to back-to-back MNC's.

On a positive note, Will (WH) is half the age of Curtis' Week 4 pick total, but doubled the average score for the week and outscored the next closest competitor by 4. Very strong.

Kyle (KW) still holds the top spot with a two pick lead.

Weekly Stats:

Weekly Winner(s): The Cheerios - WH +3 bonus points
NCAA dubs (10+): WH (12) +3 bonus points
Bonus Question: Of the teams on the card this week, which on-field costumed mascot has the least chance of winning if attacked by the opposing mascot?
Paid: KW, DW, KH, WH, KZ, KS, JN, ANe, Lo, AP +1

Fading Las Vegas:
If only this was real money. These represent my "best bets" for Week 4.
  1. Georgia +2 @ Mississippi St.: $100.00 - Because I'm a Texas fan, I'm now a Georgia fan. Keep your hands off of our Muschamp, UGA.
    Result: Georgia 12, Miss St. 24. fk, UGA licks balls. Also, I'm reminded for the 637th time not to bet with my heart. LOSS!
  2. Temple +16.5 @ Penn St.: $250.00 - If joining a realistic fantasy betting site isn't the gateway drug to being a full fledged gambling degenerate, betting on Temple football is.
    Result: Temple 13, Penn St.22. It's only a problem when you lose. WIN!!
  3. Stanford -4 @ Notre Dame: $400.00 - Per DW's advice, "pick Stanford every week." I did.
    Result: Tree 37, Touchdown Jesus 14. At this moment, it's Stanford +7 @ Oregon for week 5. Whoa. Anyway, for Week 4, it's a WIN!!
Bankroll (and head) getting fatter (username = sirron).

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