P-F11: Week 3 NCAA Results

updated 9/20/11 9:46 PM

Kick (Your) Ass Weekend:
Saturday was a pretty solid day of action, but you guys have to be honest, the clash in the evening was the best part of the day. No, not the ou/fsu game: Mayweather vs. Merchant.

You Don't Know Sh!t About Picking:

Robyn - Cobrastyle

And by "you," I mean whoever that Ferments-A-Lot guy is. The average league score for Week 3 was 7.4 (about 50% ATS), but a few of you are still making a statement that you are smarter than Vegas. Newcomer Chumlee's Banditos (KP) is averaging nearly 10/15 for the first three weeks, and the perennial frontrunner lady team (also frequent team name changer) Topo Chicas (A-C) is only 1 pick behind. Shout out to 1 Man Wolfpack (MF) and Above Average Joe (JG) who got dubs this week.

Check out the results below.
Pickem-Football.com 2011 Week 3 NCAA Card (v1.0) - Scorecard


BONUS: New Lucky Dog Rule:
The votes are in and I've got an announcement to make. The vote was very close and I'm pleased to announce that... I'll be telling you after the break.

Hopefully you watched that video closely. I could Mystery Science Theater 3000 the shit out of that one. Speaking of lucky, the "Lucky Dog" rule won the popular vote 18 to 14. I will be signing that bill into law soon, and it will be enforced starting Week 4 in both contests. Just to clarify, the lowest scoring team(s) will get the score of the next lowest picker. If you forget to turn in your card (or send in late picks and fail to score what the next lowest picker scored), you will get the lowest picker's score and will not be eligible for the Lucky Dog. Got it? Good.


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