P-F11: Don't Be Sad Because It's Over, Be Sad Because Things Are Sad

If you woke up in Monday morning at the bottom of the abyss, that was probably because you drank too much at your Super Bowl Party and then inadvertently took some Benadryl. And football is over.

I’m sad. Like, there is no ying to my yang. No ting in my tang tang. When I see Tebow news, it’s only about him getting to second base with some lady (Tebow 2nd base = Tebowing together) and I don’t have any improbable OT win to juxtapose that ridiculous stuff with.

But you want to know something real? There isn’t a damn thing we can do about all the off-season Tebow talk. Believe that. We earned the right to enjoy football season, but like all things, they aren’t ours to own. Football season is temporary – just like life. Football is ethereal blah blah blah.

Football season belongs to us, and it will come back to us. Have you ever lost something you really loved, like a dog. Or maybe you got a hole in your favorite jeans? Those things come back. At a store somewhere is a replacement. Football season will eventually appear again in August or early September. Is it arrogant of football season to put us through something like mid-season baseball or early round NBA basketball playoffs? Sure, but despite this you love football season. You love football season HARD.

Damned skippy you love football season!!

It’s been a good five months with you guys. I treasure our time together, despite you not letting me win a single contest. At least I have this blog. God bless this blog. And Pick’em. Thanks bros. And the ladies too.

Always look on the bright side, but never look directly into the sun. I leave you with a payout list.


  1. I won something last year??? Wow I don't remember that! Hope i got paid.



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