The Official 2013 Pick'em-Football Annual Recruitment Post

I'm a football fan. I may not have PhD level ability to break down personnel, scheme, etc., and football is one of a few sports I've never played in an organized league, but I totally geek out on football. I consume football in live form on television and in person, in news form on the Internet, and I even found myself watching classic games on the Big Ten Network last month (great production, by the way). I'm just saying, I like to watch. Naturally, I started my own league.

It started when I was in college. The year was 1998, if memory serves. My girlfriend, now wife, suggested we start a league similar to one from the local news station to test our ability to pick game winners. I used my budding Excel skills to create a format to track our success. My dog played too, and he often won.

From that innocuous suggestion came what is now the ritual and tradition, the pomp and the circumstance, the simple excellence of Pick'em.

Fantasy sports provide a fantastic approach for fans wanting to connect to the game. However most leagues are too time consuming and can be easily dominated by someone who spends half of every work day "researching." I still partake in many forms of fantasy leagues, but my true love during the football season is picking games. The football schedule easily lends itself to weekly picks. Picking winners requires only a small time investment for the player, but it greatly improves the football weekend experience. Our game has also proven year after year that time investment does not correlate linearly with success.

Pick'em and football are tremendously complementary resources.

That's where Pick'em Dash Football comes in. After a modest start and over a decade of participation from friends, friends of friends, and friends of those friends, the best part of this league is now you. No longer are the other teams just benchmarks for me to judge my skills (recall my dog used to beat me). I truly enjoy our motley crew of individuals that gather every year, even more than some Thursday night MACtion, but maybe a little less than my favorite teams. And when I've got pick'em action, I can be pretty into MACtion. I really heart pick'em.

Some of you have been playing for many years. Thanks! It's good to have you back. If you are ready to head straight to the Registration Page, then I'll see you on the flip side.

If you're on the fence or would like a refresher, check out the details below.

The league consists of 4 games, 2 regular season and 2 post season. 

Regular season games:
  • 15 NCAA Games per week. Picked against the spread. Odds provided for each game.
  • 14-16 (all) NFL Football Games per week. Picked straight up (no spread).
On the game card for each week's NCAA and NFL games, I may include optional bonus questions (example from last year). While these won't increase your Pick'em score, they "points" are collected and used to give you an advantage in the post season games. Bonus points are also given to weekly winners, for paying your entry fee early, and for some other random stuff I make up along the way.

Post season games:
  • 35 (all) NCAA FBS Bowl Games. Picked confidence pool style, straight up (no spread).
  • 11 (all) NFL Playoff Games. Picked week-to-week against the spread.
Game cards (2012 example) are built using Google Docs and the links will be emailed to you every week.

The cost is $25 for the entire season, which is a bargain and I'll tell you why. We play for roughly five months, which comes out to something like $0.16 a day, give or take a penny. All of the money collected goes to the winners. The distribution of the pots varies, but is typically about 35% NCAA, 35% NFL, 15% NCAA Bowls, 15% NFL Playoffs. Payouts are given to first and second place players in the regular season games.

After you sign up, I'll email you about sending the entry fee. I'm not strict about getting them in before the first kickoff, but I strongly suggest paying early in the season. If anything, early payers will start accumulating bonus points every week.

I guarantee Pick'em has all the of the accoutrements for football season enjoyment or I'll rip the period off the keyboard I'm using to type this -- period

Pick'em Dash Football 2013 Registration Form


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