P-F13: Bowl Pick'em Challenge, Part 1 - The Kickoff

At this time of year we think about the greatest gift that mankind ever received --- College Football. Bowl season was born out of someone's idea to extend the joy of college football season by one more game to bring even more joy to the already joyful joyousness. For over a decade, this has been celebrated by the act of picking each game straight up and ranking each based on confidence. Today, bowl season has been commercialized to the point that we start talking about it in August and we only get games that make a select few the richest. Today we still pick in remembrance of the true gift: approximately one half of one third of the P-F pot. After all, as a person once said, “It is more blessed to pick than abstain. Seriously.”

Click on the picks below to make it bigger. Depending on your browser, you may also need to right click and "view image" to be able to zoom.

(the most recent scores are now being tracked in a newer post)


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