The Official 2014 Pickem-Football Annual Recruitment Post

In no other game in history have there been so many choices. More choices mean more opportunities; more opportunities mean more potential to win and (possibly) defeat your enemies. Picking is easy, but picking football games successfully is only slightly more difficult than flipping a coin.

Gang, whether you are a seasoned veteran or new to this game, you made a great choice today: reading this text. Your choices are truly what define you, and I know that you are perfect, maybe even born specifically, for the 2014 iteration of pickem-football.

I got an email years ago: “Just what is pickem-football?”

Friends, it is possibly one of the greatest tools to both casually follow along during the football season while also practicing your picking proficiency in life.

“Sounds great, but how exactly to you plan on improving my life?” 

The method is simple and effective. By presenting an abundance of choice. An elaborate buffet of choices. Quick, simple, choices. When you find yourself caught up in endless loops of triviality degrading your potential, you can literally tap your finger and pick Texas A&M +10.5 points over the Gamecocks. Bam. Winner.

“Do I literally or figuratively do the tapping?” 

We are now living with one of the greatest tools for good in the history of man: the Interwebs. All your searches and clicks are recorded online. Pickem-football lives online and also records your choices in the form of a Google document.

"For free?"

Literally no one likes picking something for nothing. I remember as a kid waiting in a long line for the Pepsi challenge. But that challenge wasn't about figuring out what sample tasted better. If you picked Pepsi, you got a gift. I picked Pepsi.

Therefore, the cost of pickem-football is  $25 for the entire season, which is seriously a bargain and I'll tell you why. We play for roughly five months, which comes out to something like $0.16 a day, give or take a penny. All of the money collected goes to the winners. The distribution of the pots varies slightly based on the number of players, but is typically about 35% NCAA, 35% NFL, 15% NCAA Bowls, 15% NFL Playoffs. Payouts are given to first and second place players in the regular season games.

“I’m ready, where is the registration link?” 

Good choice. I’ve got your Registration Page link right here buddy.

"I'm on the fence and/or I like reading this stuff"

Cool. Just check out the details below.

The Basics

Pickem-football consists of 4 games, 2 regular-season and 2 post-season games.

Regular season games:

  1. 15 NCAA Games per week. Picked against the spread. Odds provided for each game.
  2. 14-16 (all) NFL Football Games per week. Picked straight up (no spread).

Game cards are built using Google Forms and the links will be emailed to you every week.

On the game card for each week's NCAA and NFL games, I may include optional bonus questions (example from last year). While these won't increase your score for the regular-season games, the "points" are collected and used to give you an advantage in the post-season games. Bonus points are also given to weekly winners, for paying your entry fee early, and for some other random stuff I make up along the way.

Post season games:

  1. 35 (all) NCAA FBS Bowl Games. Picked confidence pool style, straight up (no spread).
  2. 11 (all) NFL Playoff Games. Picked week-to-week against the spread.

After you sign up, I'll email you about sending the entry fee. I'm not strict about getting them in before the first kickoff, but I strongly suggest paying early in the season. If anything, early payers will start accumulating 1 bonus point every week after paying.

Aside from the obvious blast you’ll have spending these five months picking with us, you could potentially have the chance at maybe accelerating your progress toward possible perfection. But whether you use our tools to have fun or to take yourself to the next level, I guarantee* that you’ll have a blast. Now click below and get started on a newer and funer you.

Pick'em Dash Football 2014 Registration Form

* That is a figurative guarantee


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