P-F15: NFL Playoff Pick'em Challenge, Part 1

There are* times in all of our lives when we need a new beginning. Maybe you failed to place in a regular season contest. Perhaps you let your mind drift when you saw that monster of a bowl card. Now you feel far from a master picker. Previous disappointments may have caused you to drift from picking. You need a new beginning.

But is it even possible? And if it is, where do you start? The thought of a new beginning is scary, because you don't want to risk another pick'em failure.

But you aren't content. Your soul needs to pick. You could make the difficult and perilous journey to the promise land, OR you could just click a few boxes and wager some points! Because. You. Are. A. Human. Being.

Forget Babylon. It is a pile of rubble. How about couch and computer. You earned this chance by joining at the beginning of the season. Follow me now.

* I had a college English teacher in college that failed our papers if we started a sentence with "there are" or "there is." Well BAM -- look at me now!

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updated 1/24/16 8:54 PM CST


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