P-F19: How Crappy is Kyler Murray? (Week 7 NFL Bonus)

Kyler Murray is so crappy.

"How crappy is he?" you say.

I'm glad you asked.

Ok look. Kyler isn't actually crappy. Most of us would trade places, and we'd be doing a way sh!ttier Kyler than Kyler is doing. But just like we've always viewed sports, and how the Internet has quickly devolved: Everything is either the worst or the best.

Kyler is rich, talented, and people genuinely love him. However for a brief moment in P-F NFL Week 7, we will take a look at just how crappy Kyler Murray is. Just remember to keep your head up Kyler, there are tons of footprints in your sand.

Like, literally crappy: (+4)

Gigem! (AP): He's a little shitty >> It's like you are afraid of commitment
Cornholio's Bunghole (BO): Crappier than a newborn's diaper. >> also, little shits
Cockypantherfan (SZ): So crappy he leaves shit stains in his underwear >> yeah butt who doesn't
General Wartz (JM): Pretty stinky >> like yesterday's diapers
Left Hand Scissors (GN): Diaper Genie >> when the wife leaves town and you wonder how full the thing can get
17 National Championships (CG): Next level crap, like hot garbage... >> I've had some next-level craps after a night a bingeing.
Dirt Burglars (DT): Probably once a day, twice a day when he eats from the Mexican food trucks. >> I see what you did there
Huntwick Hosers (KW): Kylar Murray is so crappy he looks like he has a dingleberry on top of his head. >> and now we can play everyone's favorite game: is it racist? :)
Beelzebubbles (CC): poop emoji crappy ðŸ’©

Like, figuratively crappy: (+4)

Gary 'wii mis yu' Francis (RH): Kyler Murray is so crappy, he is considering using his other hand...and I don't mean throwing the football. >> his pimp hand?
Too much pressure to come up with a name quickly (KS): Kershawlike >> fun fact, if you google "kershaw" then the first result is knives and not the disappointing Dodgers pitcher.
accidentchild (MN): Totally crappy. He did go to OU! And they SUCK!! >> you said it, not me
Lost Cause (JH): Blow U crappy >> just like MN said, everything there kinda sucks
A Northmen (ANo): pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty craptastic >> I think we can all agree that Larry David would not be impressed with anything in Norman.
Crigga88 (CR): Worse than Aids ! >> and now we can play everyone's second favorite game: is AIDS funny? :)

Like, simile to someone else: (+3)

Big Papa (AM): As crappy as his head coach >> this may just be a knock on Kingsbury, but aren't we all only as good as our leaders?
The Texans don’t need a GM (CK): Who? >> he lives in the Heisman House
Shake and Baker (JN): Not as crappy as Josh Rosen. >> misdirection
BlitzKrieg (RK): career trajectory of Robert Griffin III >> Ugh, I actually hope not 
I Look Good On Top (BF): Almost as bad a Baker Mayfield. >> I don't like what you did there
More Challenges (ANe): He’s a baseball player. >> Bo doesn't know Kyler
Commodore Nation (KH): He tosses Baker’s salad >> And this is our 5 point bonus answer

Like, he's not crappy? (+2)

Bevo XV (DW): At which sport? >> handshaking
Swampdogs (DR): 5 feet 7 and three-quarters inches worth of overation. >> I don't know about overation, but I agree that he's tiny.
SoonerTheBetter (BL): 0% Crap factor >> 100% crimson glasses


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