The Official 2020 Pick'em Dash Football Annual Recruitment Post

Good day, everyone. Nah I'm faking. It's 2020, and I know a lot of you folks are reluctant to make any sports picking right now or even make any choices at all. I get it. But I'm typing this tonight because I love picking football with all my heart, and it pains me to see so many people not competing to see who makes the best choices.

Ready to sign up? Use the "too long, didn't read" link at the end of this sentence to go straight to the registration form

I've met less than half of you. However, I've read your bonus responses, and through you, I have posted things that have surely changed the course of our lives. Through blood, toil, spit, grit, and stick-to-it-veness, we are still mostly hanging in there despite the World trying to stop us.

That's the story of Pickem-Dash-Football. I'm not sure there is much else to say. We just need to grab our comfortable shorts and t-shirts and be willing to do what needs to be done to pick thirty or so games a week. Even when you're exhausted, you're mustering up unimaginable courage to pick up your phone/computer and fight for that perfect card.

So, it is up to you to add your voice to the best pick'em game on the planet. It is up to you to make your mark on pick'em history. Picking is not just feeling, but doing. Do it for yourself. Do it for the kids. Do it for everyone, but definitely also do it for the kids, because you are going to want to be able to look a kid in the eye after this season and know you picked the crap out of 2020. Indubitably.

Ready to sign up? Everything is free this year. Fill out the registration form and you'll be in.

Want to know more? Me to, but instead here is a description of what the games look like in a "normal" season.

Game #1: NCAA Pick’em (played against the spread)

  • 15 games per week
  • Games will list and point spread for you to pick against

Game #2: NFL Pick’em (played straight up, i.e. no spread) 

  • All NFL games (14-16) per week

Game #3: NCAA Bowl Challenge (played confidence style) 

  • All the bowls (?who knows this year?)
  • Picks are straight up (no spread)

Game #4: NFL Playoff Challenge (played against the spread, you bet with points Vegas-style) 

  • All the playoff games (11)
  • Picks week-to-week; points are cumulative


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