P-F21: Dear Future Self, These 21 Thoughts Are Why You Are Glad You Read the Official Pick'em Dash Football ’21 Annual Recruitment Post


I once watched this planetarium show on dark matter. I’m familiar with matter. I’m not saying current or future me could define it, but it is like -- stuff. However dark matter isn’t the dark stuff. Dark matter is like all the other stuff that we aren’t familiar with, and on top of that, apparently the universe contains an unknown amount of matter that we cannot observe!


Speaking of matter, small wins matter. Not only do small wins add up to major accomplishments, but small wins have also been shown to give enormous emotional boosts. (I think you see where I am going with this.)


Enough said. I am ready to sign up at 3, and I am ready to fill out the registration form.


Each year we play 4 games that are guaranteed to keep your weekends interesting from the end of August until mid-February.


Game #1: NCAA Pick’em (played against the spread)

  • 15 games per week
  • Games will list a point spread for you to pick against
  • Contest represents approximately 1/3 of the registration pot; Both 1st and 2nd place winners will get something


Game #2: NFL Pick’em (played straight up, i.e. no spread)

  • All NFL games (14-16) per week
  • Contest represents approximately 1/3 of the registration pot; 1st and 2nd place winners will get something


Game #3: NCAA Bowl Challenge (played confidence style)

  • All the bowls (41? I've lost count)
  • Picks are straight up (no spread)
  • Contest represents approximately 50% of 33% of the pot (uh you do the math); 1st place winner only


Game #4: NFL Playoff Challenge (played against the spread, you bet with points Vegas-style)

  • All the playoff games (11)
  • Picks week-to-week; points are cumulative
  • Contest represents approximately 50% of 33% of the pot; 1st place winner only


Let your picks speak for themselves. Hot takes are shallow. Save those for bonus questions. Conversely, your hot picks are precious. They are the thing you focus on while everyone else is working or whatever.


Psychologists say the view we have of our own future is the greatest determinant of who we are and what we do. If you see yourself picking winners, then that will shape your decisions. You will be a winner. That is science.


The universe contains about 6 times as much dark matter as normal visible matter! Look around, then imagine there is way more dark matter (somewhere, maybe not here) than visible matter. Wrap your head around that!


Want some advice on how to win this game? Every right decision I have ever made has come from my gut. Every wrong decision I’ve made was the result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself. The moment you start thinking, you’ve already lost. (The subject in this thought isn't me. That is Oprah who said this, you guys.)


This game costs $25 to play and it will be the best $25 you’ve ever spent (unless you’ve played before, then it will be the best $25 you’ve ever spent since the last time you played).


Don’t be motivated by money. Having it is great, but dear future self, focus on the small personal wins and the money won’t destroy you like it does the rest of those fools.


At Pickem Dash Football, you aren’t competing with others as much as you are making them compete with you. Get into the picking zone and you’ll leave the competition behind.


You will become unstoppable when you start rooting for your competitors’ success. Just like the SEC does with all that pro-conference chanting. The reason you are happy for other people’s success is because their success has nothing to do with you. You are in control of you. You do you (but also everyone should join the SEC).


I actually do not know about the last 3 thoughts. And truth be told, I also actually do not remember any details from that dark matter planetarium show. I only remember that it was mind-bending. I also may have fallen asleep. I googled all the dark matter facts prior to writing this. However, if I hadn’t seen that planetarium show, present and future selves, just think about where we’d be right now.


I don’t know why picking winners is so satisfying, but science is really busy right now, so let’s just accept it as truth. 


But Commish, your present self is saying, I still don't see how this ensures the success of my future self? Look, it starts by registering for PF-21 and making your first smart decision. Then, each week you’ll be making more and more smart decisions -- continually learning and improving yourself -- making your future self successful.


You miss every pick you don’t make.


Dear Future Self, you’ll be glad you have this dark matter post as a reference. Go ahead and bookmark it to be safe. You may also be glad you signed up for P-F21. Elevate your trajectory! (or something like that)


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