P-F22: Bowl Challenge Scoreboard
Final Update - 1/2/23 Winner: Left Hand Scissors (GN) Point Potential Update - 12/31/22 end of day Current Leader: Left Hand Scissors (GN) Point Potential Leader: Left Hand Scissors (GN) Point Potential Update - 12/30/22 end of day NEW Current & Point Potential Leader: Left Hand Scissors (GN) Point Potential Update - 12/29/22 end of day Current Leader: Astros! (AP) Point Potential Leader: Bevo XV (DW) Point Potential Update - 12/28/22 end of day Current Leader: Bite a Kneecap Offs (RK) Point Potential Leader: Bite a Kneecap Offs (RK) Point Potential - DW, RK, AP, and others overtake BO for the first time Update - 12/27/22 end of day New leader! RK Point Potential Leader: BO Point Potential Update - 12/26/22 end of day Update - 12/24/22 end of day Update - 12/23/22 in progress Update - 12/22/22 end of day Update - 12/21/22 end of day Update - 12/20/22 end of day Update - 12/19/22 end of day No change in the leaders after 1 more game. Bevo XV (DW) and 18 National Champi...